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Re: Glitching screen
@HellBornHacker Android 15 is still under development. Currently, a quick fix would be reducing the resolution.
Re: Raspberry Pi 5 as development debug device connected on USB cable (USB-C)
Hi @mcfoi - I've also tried to get the USB debugging working with no luck. I've since figured out how to get the WiFi debugging running using the "adb pair" + "adb connect" commands from the Android Development Studio. Was relatively straightforward - found a few guides on how to do this online. Just had to pull my laptop off the ethernet cable and put it on the same WiFi network as the Raspberry Pi. Debugging on WiFi is probably just as fast as USB debugging. I can't tell any difference when I'm deploying / debugging code.
Re: Raspberry Pi 5 as development debug device connected on USB cable (USB-C)
@mcfoi I have never tested it myself but you would probably need to load a different USB driver like we do for the CM modules. On the other hand, RPi5 needs a more powerful power supply to work properly maybe this is related too.
Re: Raspberry Pi5 with 14.2.0 or 14.2.2 with no sound
I had the same issue, but I found that I had not set the sound output for HDMI0 in the Raspberry Pi settings icon within Settings - System. Works great now.
Bug when moving licenses between groups
There is a bug (well I assume it is a bug) when moving licenses between groups. If you apply a search filter to the device overview, you can only move licenses to groups that appear in the search filter. This makes it impossible to quickly look up a device by serial number and then move it, since only the group the device is already in is listed as a possible destination.

Re: home assistant
@Jonas, please enable ADB and record system logs. Otherwise it is difficult to guess why it happens.

Re: Beta/Date for RPi5?
@smieschek said:
I don't think so, the second issue is still open. Are you sure it's already fixed in RPOS?
No, I'm not. I was looking for a somehow fast processing box with fast USB under Android and thought I'd be happy with the RPi5, but it seems there are a few fundamental things to be fixed before I can see if it would work out. Still, seems "right around the corner", as always. For whatever reason it especially hit the 8GB version that I bought to be on the safe side...
Once it's release the image will be available in emteria installer as well as RPi Imager.
The beta , too?
EDIT: Just found the image after I finally saw that line on "disable filtering" for the Pi Imager. Thanks for the hard work that late in the year. Looking forward for those USB fixes.

Re: No volume on Andriod 14.7.0 on rpi5
DOH! What an idiot. Found them under settings and then changed the volume source to HDMI and its now working THANK YOU!

Re: Camera module v3 on Raspberry Pi 5 with Android 14 or 15
@Mikael The auto detection doesn't work and camera module v2 is set as default. Try adjusting dtoverlay=imx219 in the config.txt on the boot partition to dtoverlay=imx708
If that works you should move the dtoverlay=imx708 part to the config-overrides.txt as the config.txt will get overwritten on OTA updates.
Re: I did not receive an Email with a voucher code
Hi @Rouxza ,
After registration and mail confirmation, you can login and just press the "Start free plan now" button: