Best Of
Re: USB boot
Although I find this setup extremely cool, I don't see that coming in the foreseeable future. Most people are using SD cards and there are just too few requests to make it worth the effort, sorry
Re: Beta/Date for RPi5?
Hi Stev,
I expect a first version till end of next week, but there is some uncertainty. And it most probably won't have all features available - so definitely beta.
Re: Android 13 - enable ssh
I think the issue is if you want to push an own key, because you cannot use adb root on user builds. You can work around that by pushing to sdcard and moving the file with sushell. We'll adjust the KB article
Re: Increase SD card size
Hi @techiekanth
Since v13.4.0 the userdata partition will extend on first boot to take up the remaining space on the SD card, there is no more need to adjust the .json file. You can use our installer or the official RPi imager.
android camera app showing green screen
I am trying to run a camera app (made with Unity3D) on RPI3B+(Emteria OS installed). App is showing green screen when camera is turned ON. Pre-installed camera app of Emteria OS is running very well. So what could be the issue with my custom unity camera app? Is there any changes I need to make to my custom app? what is the reason behind green screen?

Re: Kiosk mode not locked, settings from volume control
@gabrielsolomon ah, it's on a RockPi, that makes sense. Got a little confused as you originally mentioned the RPi4.
We've looked into it and that's the default configuration from radxa. I think we can safely remove the sound buttons so that settings are not accessible from kiosk mode. Thanks for pointing that out.
The changes will be in the next nightly: v11.1.18
Re: Getting a Syntax Error ")" on Linux Installer
@Fish , the installer is not meant for the target device. Run the AppImage or Exe on your computer/laptop to flash an SD card, which you than use on your RPi.
Re: Syntax Error
@USST The emteria installer is not built for the target architecture, e.g. RPi3/RPi4. You are meant to install the installer on your computer / laptop and flash an SD card / your device from there.
Re: Emteria NOT booting
Hey @Charlie,
here is an article in our Knowledge Base on how to set up UART on RPi please provide a full log