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Re: Syntax Error
@USST The emteria installer is not built for the target architecture, e.g. RPi3/RPi4. You are meant to install the installer on your computer / laptop and flash an SD card / your device from there.
Re: Emteria NOT booting
Hey @Charlie,
here is an article in our Knowledge Base on how to set up UART on RPi please provide a full log
Re: Raspberry Pi 4 - USB Ethernet adapters
@boothroyd, it sounds to me like a missing driver config option in the kernel. I know for sure that CDC-NCM support is compiled into the kernel (see, but load kernel modules can be loaded at runtime from /odm/lib/modules on the device.

Re: Raspberry Pi 4 - USB Ethernet adapters
@boothroyd That's interesting, but far beyond an usual use case. I have the feeling that some kernel modules might be missing. You can find our kernel here:
and compile it with your missing modules; afterwards exchange it on the boot partition.
Re: Raspberry Pi 4 - USB Ethernet adapters
In this case, my option was to either use: a) Emteria or b) a commercial tablet connected via HDMI to a flat-panel TV, and it looks like (b) is going to be the solution for me. All Android tablets/smartphones that I've tried either support CDC-ECM or RNDIS.
If you are interested in supporting USB networking devices in the future and do happen to have one of the supported devices in the second URL, the software in the first URL can be compiled. That might let you try several industry standard protocols without having to buy extra devices:
On the topic of other devices that failed in my tests (Emteria v11.3.0 and v.11.3.16), one of the two ASIX chipset devices was branded "H50223 HiRO USB 2.0 to Fast Ethernet Adapter" and the other was just "USB 2.0 Ethernet Adapter".
Thanks anyway.
Raspberry Pi 4 - USB Ethernet adapters
Said discussion is about the CM3, so it is unclear what of that applies to the Raspberry Pi 4.
Using a RPi4, I tested both v11.3.0 and v.11.3.16 using four types of USB Ethernet adapters:
ASIX chipset, RNDIS, NCM, and ECM
None worked.
For ASIX and ECM, dmesg showed the driver loading and ifconfig showed a new network interface being created. I was able to confirm externally that an initial DHCP lease was being requested by Emteria Android and granted. However, ifconfig never showed acceptance of this lease and the IP address could not be pinged. When the lease eventually expired, it was not renewed. (I also tried static IP address configuration via the adb shell, but this also did not work.)
For RNDIS, dmesg showed no driver being loaded.
For NCM, dmesg showed the driver loading, but ifconfig never showed a new network interface.
v11.3.16 seems to have some intermittent issues with detecting removal of a USB device. With that version, dmesg would not indicate detection of the device's removal, and ifconfig would continue to show the network interface for a while.
Re: Raspberry Pi 4 - USB Ethernet adapters
But may I ask why you are not just using the Ethernet port from the RPi4?
Re: easy step to install Gapps
Hi to all,
as for today the Recovery menu of the latest Emteria for RPI4 doesn't have the "Install" option anymore.
Please, can someone give me some advice on what to do to install GApps?
Thanks a lot!

RPi4B - Official 7" Touchscreen - touch input doesn't work on 11.6 or 11.6.1 nightly
Hi All,
I am having difficulty using a brand new Raspberry Pi 4 B with the official 7" touchscreen. I have it hooked up using the DSI connector + 5V/GND on the GPIO. It displays great, and keyboard and mouse input work fine, but as soon as I try to touch anything on the screen the input locks up.
I've tried this with both 11.6.0 Live and 11.6.1 Nightly (the latest nightly).
I am happy to take a short video and link to it as well if that would be helpful.
Thanks for your help!