3G usb modem
Is it possible to use a HSDPA/HSUPA USB modem to connect to the internet? As I said in another discussion, I am using a ZTE model K3571-Z USB modem. I connected the modem to USB, but I did not see any means to configure or control the modem in settings.
Thank you.
So, does Emteria support USB HSDPA/HSUPA modems?
We did not test it yet. Maybe with an appropriate driver module? You have to check the kernel log after connecting.
I think the problem isn't the driver module, my Vodafone USB stick is working just fine.
It's the appropriate application you should use to establish the connection.
I tried that app in the below video, it works fine and i can establish a connection but no data coming through
Perhaps it's related to the VPN problem?
I searched the log file but I did not find any entry related to the USB modem detection. Does emteria.OS have drivers for some other USB modems? I am planning to use it in a remote location with no available WIFI network.
Oh, my bad ... i didn't read that you are using a ZTE model as my Huawei USB stick is working without any additional driver.
Nevertheless, even if you found the appropriate driver, how you gonna make it work?
Which application you wil use to establish the connection?
What Huawei model do you have?
Normally if you have access to a ttyUSB, you can send AT commands to connect to the mobile service provider, and after that you have to start a pppd over another ttyUSB. At least that is what happens on linux.
It's K3765
The above app sends AT commands to establish a connection but i still can't browse the internet.
I think @kalkov doesn't have any broadband USB stick to test ... that's the problem.
Here is to prove that my Huawei K3765 modem is working on raspbian stretch.
My question, how you will make it on android without installing usb-modeswitch or wvdial?
@kalkov, is it possible to compile sakis3g?
I compiled it on raspbian stretch & it works fine.
Here is sakis3g source code link, usb-modeswitch is included
Usually you can simulate usb modeswitch by ejecting the drive created by the modem when you plug it in. After ejecting that drive, it switches to modem mode and creates several ttyUSB devices. One of them is for AT commands, and another is for data.
I have no idea how the rest can be done, but since Android is running on phones, there must be a way to make it work on Emteria also. I would do it myself, but the problem is I have no idea how Android is built or works. I am pretty good at Linux, but not in Android
The only reason I need a usb modem is that I want to is it in my car, and integrate it to the CAN bus, and steering wheel buttons. But that is another story, about how to acces the GPIO in Emteria...
I was able to make it work on linux, raspbian stretch and even windows (using the latter OS i was able to make and receive sms/voice calls)
I want to use it in my car as well, because the portable wifi hotspot created by my old phone is an ad-hoc connection and it seems that Android doesn't like it
Will wait till Igor verifies whether it is possible to compile sakis3g or not.
I want to mention that i tried ppp widget 3 however it just shows checking access as in screenshot.
I think the following drivers/files are needed to make it work which are missing from Emteria OS
Bdw: you can try that widget even though you don't own a 3G USB stick because it can connect to phones bluetooth modem.
On the other hand, i read some tutorial about how to manually get the 3G USB modem recognized.
The following command is needed
echo "USB\VID PID" > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id
However, option1 folder doesn't even exist
The problem with sakis3g is that it is essentially just a bash script. Android doesn't come with a fully-featured and compatible bash shell, it just has the minimalistic toybox.
Thanks for replying @Stefan,
What about that path : /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id
option driver and new_id aren't there, Were they deleted from the kernel?
I believe they contain something related to GSM modems.
Someone is working in this feature?
Any updates regarding this feature? I'm interested in using 4G USB-modems as well.
I followed the below tutorial but ended up with the following error
Is there anyway to add PPP kernel support?
Another option is to figure out what are the needed drivers to make the PPP widget 3 work.
As i mentioned above you don't even need to have a USB modem to try it as you can share the internet connection via bluetooth using your phone bluetooth modem.
Regarding this tutorial
It was my bad as i had to run the script manually using su
However, there is someotthing not configured properly because i have my ethernet cable plugged in the below screenshot otherwise it didn't work
"NO CARRIER" error.
I just downloaded PPP widget 3 v1.7.6 which works fine, i don't know yet which apps can connect to the internet using it and which aren't
You have to find out by yourselves
Oh Yeah!!
PPP widget 3 works perfectly!!
You will notice that the ethernet icon will be turned on after your 3G USB stick is connected (I dunno if that's the way it should be or not!!)
I tried so many apps and it works!!
For ex.
@ Igor, i had a problem connecting to Emteria using VNC viewer while using my 3G USB stick
Is it because there is no option to setup port forwarding?
Is it possible to enable that?
OMG, @roxette, great work! Thank you so much for sharing this!
A little spoiler: we are currently working on Android 9 with way better kernel. I hope we can integrate that afterwards.
You're welcome Igor, that's great news.
It will be awesome to test Android 9 Pie on my Raspberry Pi
I was expecting that you are working on Oreo but it seems that you skipped it.
Anyway, you guys are doing a great job, Keep up the good work!