Third party Screen/Touch screen
OK so all is well currently accept my touch screen acts like a mouse and is backwards
I tried the lcd_rotatt=2 in the config.txt just to see if it worked and it made things worse
So suggestions on how to one get the mouse to act as a screen and two get it working the correct way around.
how did you get the Third-Party-Screen running?
and which one are you using?
Well, as I've said in another thread, it depends on your touchscreen. Which one is it? You can try to calibrate it in the same way you do it in Raspbian.
I have the SainSmart 5" display.*480_Touch_Screen_Display_for_Raspberry_Pi2/3
Can i connect to emteria via putty and install the driver with the standard Linux-Commands you can see in the wiki?
In my case the Screen is working, but only touch doesn´t, so would i just need to calibrate it or do i have to install the LCD-show-command too?
I also have a Waveshare 10.1" display:
(if the driver of the first one wouldn´t work)
You probably need to recompile the calibration tool for Android (I don't know how it works in Linux). I have a Waveshare 7inch screen at home, which is working out-of-the box (it has USB touchscreen support).
Hello Igor

Is Waveshare 7inch screen working in last Emteria.os without special configuration?
Thanks for answer
Hi @marciling, yes, it does. Or, at least, it should
The way I calibrate it in Raspibian requires putty and cli tools. It also requires you invert the axis (I cannot find this) and also requires you tell it's not a mouse.