terminal commands
I received my mausberry to built it in the car. But now I have to install a carsetup.sh and I don´t know how to do it. Could you please tell how to fix it? The bash command does not work.
Thank you.
I received my mausberry to built it in the car. But now I have to install a carsetup.sh and I don´t know how to do it. Could you please tell how to fix it? The bash command does not work.
Thank you.
Android isn't Raspbian, so you (usually) can't reuse the same shell scripts. If you need any specific software, you will probably need to build/adjust it for Android.
That´s sad. Because I want to activate two GPIOs and for the shutdown shell the file is need to be installed.
Somewhere I read, that it is functioning the same way as with Raspbian.
Yes, same way, but not using the same (unmodified) scripts. Maybe you should follow the errors you see and adapt your scripts to work on Android. All the required commands (chown, chmod, echo, ...) should still work as intended.
Hey David I am also trying to install mausberry scripts for my circuit on emteria, I was wondering if you figured out how to do it?