1-Wire on wiringPi: missing w1 folder by path "/sys/bus/w1/devices/"
I'm trying to get DS1820 temperature and humidity sensor working on my raspberry pi 3 by running Example-wiringPi.
During the initialization of 1-Wire protocol, the Example-wiringPi tries to access path /sys/bus/w1/devices/, but unfortunately w1 folder is missing in the Emteria.
Does it mean that 1-Wire protocol isn't supported by the Emteria? Or I have to replace w1 with something else?
Thanks for the help!
Maybe you need to load the corresponding kernel module (see https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/26623/ds18b20-not-listed-in-sys-bus-w1-devices)? All modules are located in /boot/modules
hello kalkov, thank you for referring me to the resource on the StackExchange.
I was googling a little about that. eventually, I've reached this article: https://pinout.xyz/pinout/1_wire
it is written there:
I opened config.txt and even have found similar line there:
I added dtoverlay=w1-gpio in the end, saved, and rebooted. /sys/bus/w1 hasn't appeared.
Any ideas what can be wrong?
as I understand there is another way how setup 1-wire protocol, but it seems I've faced problems with that too.
in the Example-wiringPi there is a method that initializes 1-wire:
I decided to execute insmod command localy on device using the terminal. File wire.ko doesn't exists by the path '/system/lib/modules/'. I managed to find it here: '/boot/modules/'. I tried to execute insmod with corrected path, but it has responded with the error that file doesn't exist:
I pointed you to that location in my last post:
You need to load them in the correct order and with root priviliges (su).
Obviously, there is something missing. You need to find out where those functions are defined and load the corresponding module before loading this one.