Google Play not working after Update to 0.5.14 or 0.5.16
I am using Emteria on a Raspi Pi3B. First I installed Emteria 0.5.11 and the Google Apps (Pico). Emteria is a registered version. After that I updated Emteria to version 0.5.14. A few days later there was a further updated to 0.5.16. Now I realized that the Google Play Store does not work anymore. I tried to delete the Google account under accounts, but I cannot delete it.
Does anyone know what to do?
Thank you and kind regards
I think that is due to the usual problem.
We are also talking about it here:
I don't think so. OpenGApps are installed to the system partition. Installing an update may wipe OpenGApps files, as it is also installed to the system partition. A new installation of OpenGApps might be needed after an update.
I installed the GApps a second time. Now Google Play is working again.
Bad point:
Now the message system optimization appears every time I boot the Pi3... The good thing about that is, that you can break the procedure...
Kind regards
Unfortunately, I cannot get there a second time.
The system crashes before the screen arrives.
I am thinking seriously about giving up.
We don't provide support for Google Play, so it is difficult for us to help you. Why exactly do you need it?
I do not really need the Google Play Store. But from my Blackberry with Android engine I know, that the missing Google Play Services cause a lot of trouble. Apps are not working without Play Services, etc. So I decided to have the Play Services and the Play Store on Emteria (but the smallest version, pico). It worked on version 0.5.11 without problems. I think (I cannot say if its really this way) that it worked on 0.5.14 but stopped working on 0.5.16. Perhaps I will try to build the system new...
BTW: I tried to go back to the April GApps. The problem with the system optimisation remains...
Best regards
I have exactly same problems as you. I am still struggling.
There is no problem with system optimization - OpenGApps create a lot of CPU load during the setup phase and this dialog should only warn the user about it. If you don't like it, you shouldn't be installing OpenGApps and will be able to disable it starting with 0.5.17. This topic is discussed in
Now, back to the main topic. As I have said, we are not providing support for OpenGApps - there is a reason we don't include them in our platform by default. It seems to me that you are creating your own problems by installing OpenGApps even though you don't need them. If you detect a problem with a certain app, let us know and we will check it. If your system is crashing after our update, please provide us more details about what exactly you did and we will also look into it.
Hi Igor,
I wish if i can never install OpenGApps however there are some application which will refuse to work without it.
The app in the above screenshot is an example, Will you be able to make it work without Google Play services?
We are looking into but it will certainly take some time until they are stable.
I too.
I have given up the installation. I look forward to a new release.
So re-installing OpenGApps after an update doesn't work?

On the last version
I have à problem with yalp store ! Sign with Google or Yalp and that’s said : no internet connection.
I return to os v0.5.10
Re-installing is possible. Google Play Store now works.
That's what happens to me:
At the moment of the first boot after the installation of the Gapps, "System Optimization" starts. I wait to the end and after 40 minutes:
Icons are displayed;
-The background is black;
-Everything is locked (without even being able to move the cursor because it does not appear);
-the UI (bar with the Home/Back/Menu button and the bar above with the hour) has disappeared;
I press the reset button on the case of my raspberry to restart it, I wait another 40 minutes and starts again "System Optimization" but the second time the system responds, only that everything VERY slow.
Now, at this point when is it that I should reinstall OpenGapps?
Do I have to install them 2 times in a row? The wipe of the cache when should I do it? Before or after installing OpenGapps?
No, you don't need to re-install them. If your device is slow, you will have to wait. There were users reporting they had to wait multiple hours until the device was usable again.
I did a wipe after installing oga and now the slowness is gone and googleplay is working as expected. hope this help any one
What kind of wipe did you do?
I tried a cache/dalvik wipe. Problem is still there. Android without Google Play Services is useless for me.
I did the first in "wipe" section just "Swipe to Factory Reset"