Can't get it to run

I installed Emteria tonight amd I have nothing but problems. After the first SD flash all Emteria did was reboot whenever I tried to do anything. Enable Wifi, system reboots, in fact it gets to the "loading android" screen and reboots again, doing this a t least three times. Try yo install an app via fdroid, same thing, goers through several reboot cycles.

So, reflash the SD card. Now while it is going thru first boot the screen keeps flashing on and off. Then it asks for my logon to get a license. It didn't ask that the first time, I use my login and it tells me, between screen flashes, that there are no more licenses. Duh, I am trying the evaluation.

So, what is going on? Does this thing even work?


  • 1) What resolution are you using it with? It sounds like your device can't create the graphics of the required size.
    2) It always asks for a license during the SetupWizard, but you can just skip this screen if you don't have any.

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