Splasch screen customisation ?
Did someone try to modify the startup animation of Emteria ? Is it working in standard way as most Android distros ? or is there some specifics ??
Did someone try to modify the startup animation of Emteria ? Is it working in standard way as most Android distros ? or is there some specifics ??
Yes, it is working just like on all other Android systems. It can be replaced by replacing the corresponding ZIP file (or by placing it in
I believe).Thanks for confirmation
Do you mind sharing some brief guide on how to do this? We've got to do this step (customize splash) during the flashing, correct?
All I see under C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Emteria\Emteria.OS Installer\rpi3-v0.6.2 are zip files with img file underneath which I couldn't mount.
Absolutely not !!! It has no link with flashing at all ! As indicated just copy the splash screen you found in /oem/media in Android filesystem ! Be careful of screen resolution or you might have strange graphic results !!
Thanks Vincèn!
I don't have any problem navigating Raspbian based OS, transferring file using SSH etc. But to be frank, I am a total Android newbie. I've googled and tried using adb and adbfileexplorer.jar but had failed to connect to it to show the filesystem.
I maybe missing the obvious so I'd appreciate if you can point me to the right direction on how to browse the filesystem from my Windows and replace the image. blushed
Note: the ssh option is greyed out under Emteria Settings.
Yep definitively missing the obvious
Just put the SD card with Emteria on your computer to copy on it the splashscreen files 
@emteria, is it a private or commercial project? We can provide you professional support service in the latter case.
Yep definitively missing the obvious
Just put the SD card with Emteria on your computer to copy on it the splashscreen files
Not sure with crap as Windows, sorry I'm using real OS like Linux and in Linux card shows up automatically !
Private. I'll as for paid support service in future commercial project.
Haha, understood. I just saw 3 unreadable partitions under Windows. Never mind and thank you for the replies.
Hey kalkov I managed to change the splash screen by putting my own custom one in oem/media. But I am trying to remove all of the the boot messages so it just shows a black screen then my splash screen when booting up. I was able to remove some by replacing "tty0" to "tty3" and adding splash quiet plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles logo.nologo vt.global_cursor_default=0
in /boot/cmdline.txt” but I can't remove the other stuff, here is a video of my situation: https://youtube.com/watch?v=e64VkZ6FLh8 Hope you can help!
Not 100% sure, but I assume you'd have to rebuild the uboot to disable its output.
> Not 100% sure, but I assume you'd have to rebuild the uboot to disable its output.
How exactly can I do that?
> How exactly can I do that?
I think you should rather consult the uboot community for that.
I'm running emteria on a pi and made my own custom boot animation with a png sequence. It consists of 2 parts: An intro, and a section that is supposed to loop until the end of the boot process. However, on boot, only the first part is played, then the device cuts to black.
The files are stored in a uncompressed zip file and I have converted all the files to 256 colors as suggested here - https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/master/cmds/bootanimation/FORMAT.md
When I run the bootanimation command, I get a segfault error...
Here is my desc.txt file:
442 405 30
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
Does anyone have any suggestions?
As it turns out, I was missing a blank line at the bottom on my desc.txt file. Apparently, if this is not included, the boot animation will not run properly...
So how would I go about creating my own flash screen or short animation? Perhaps something to do with my car.