Old Emteria version
I updated my 1-Year-Old Emteria version to the newest version v0.6.3. This was definitely a very bad idea! Of course, the perfomance of Google Play Store and Google Play Music was never very good and the user interface was not very responsive, but it worked quite well. Even with Mixcloud I was able to listen to music via USB with a pretty good quality.
And now? Nothing works anymore. As mentioned in other discussions, Gapps makes the system unusable and even if I'm able to start Google Play Music (after minutes of loading) there is a lot of noise, interruptions, cracks etc. It's not possible anymore to listen to music via USB.
Is there a chance to get an old version from a year ago? Has anybody an old image on his hard drive?
Always make a backup of your SD card before doing a update.
As for gapps.... your on your own. It's not supported here at all.
What version have you been using?
Yes, I'm very aware of the fact that gapps are not supported. Even if it has never been supported, it worked quite good and I was only wondering what happend during the past year.
We didn't introduce any GApps-specific changes. What version did you have?
In the meantime I could restore (from an older Windows backup) the image which I have last used: v0.5.11 (April 2018). I installed this version two hours ago on my Raspberry and flashed afterwards the latest gapps version (ARM/7.1/Pico). Of course, to set up Google Play Store and to sign in the first time takes some time but I was able to install again Google Play Music. And now I can stream again from Google Play Music and use my USB DAC as playback device. Perfect!
Interesting. When you installed the latest version, how long did you wait for GApps to settle down?
EDIT: Maybe it is a good idea to repeat the test with another sd card and just leave it for several hours.
That's interesting as I heard it caused the PI to become nearly impossible to use.
Yes, it was my impression too.
You mean after flashing Gapps and wiping dalvik/cache? The "optimization" process (optimization screen) took about 15 to 20 minutes (rough estimation). Afterwards I waited probably about 10 minutes before I opened Google Play Store the first time. Every step of Play Store's set-up/sign-in process took some seconds to load and the system was not very responsive during the whole process but afterwards I could open Google Play Store and could install Google Play Music app.
To be clear: Google Play Music isn't as fast as on a mobile phone. It always takes some seconds to load the next screen. But it's fast enough to search for artists, radio stations or to select a playlist.
With v0.6.3? I haven't tried another sdcard but I had left the system for almost the whole day.
Just out of curiosity, so you're using a trial version which worked perfectly since 2017 and now you complain that some problem occurred after you upgraded to the latest version?
I noticed your thread title before it's renamed to "Old Emteria version"
I thought you had purchased a license.
Just out of curiosity, why do you post here if you have nothing to contribute to this discussion?
Pardon me?
Just compare my profile and yours then tell me who has nothing to contribute?
You expect that everyone contribute to your discussion even though you contribute nothing to this community since years and come here just to complain?
Besides, i didn't like the old thread title so i prefer not to reply even though i know how to revert to an older version.
Look, I'm not asking for trouble. If the thread title is your biggest issue, then please accept my apologies.> @roxette said:
Look, I'm not asking for trouble. If the thread title is your biggest issue, then please accept my apologies. Or probably it's because of my poor english skills and you have misunderstood me. However, I found the old image and therefore I don't need your support anyway. I think there is still a question from kalkov pending, otherwise we can close and delete this thread.
Let's stick to a constructive discussion. It was me who changed the title to keep clear what the topic is about. Both sides have valid arguments: on the one hand, we cannot provide full support to users without any purchases. On the other hand, I can perfectly understand that people wonder if something get worse. We still want our product to be as good as possible. Although we don't guarantee any compatibility to OpenGApps, we didn't introduce any changes to make it worse. So it would be great if you help me to understand the usecase and maybe we will find an appropriate solution.
@dMod, do you have a possibility to install the latest version to a fast sd card and leave it alone for a day? With a bunch of reboots in between?
Unfortunatly I only have two older Class 10 microSDHC's with a reading speed of 80 MB/s. On one of these I have installed version v0.5.11, therefore the reading speed could not be the issue.
@dMod, that was a joke

It's not my business whether you decide to purchase a license or not.
No need to apologize,
When i saw your old title i had an impression that you were acting as you were ripped off then i start laughing after finding out that you use a trial version so i decided to mess with you, you just took it seriously.
@dMod Can you do some random reboots and see if the lag between each session is the same and if you can still use Google and reply back. I'm assuming you are using the current version ?
BTW you should buy a license. It's the right thing to do if you are asking for help with trial version.
I don't know if I understood you correctly, but I'm back again on version v0.5.11.
I used v0.5.11 since April 2018 and I have rebooted the system hundreds of times. I usually wait 5 to 10 minutes because there are some background tasks (without an optimization screen!) which makes the system slower.
After this time the lags are always the same. BUT these lags are ok for me. As I already mentioned above, I'm super happy with this version: I can start Google Play Music, select a radio station or a playlist and listen to music via USB. My Raspberry fulfills its purpose quite good.
@kalkov: I think I cannot help you to find out why Gapps are working better with v0.5.11 than today. I'm only a normal user who started years ago with RTAndroid together with your nice install script for Gapps. I suggest to close this thread.