RPI 3 B+ when wipe and install wifi works, but when reboot it stop working

edited June 2019 in Supported devices

I install Emteria.OS RPI 3B+ Android version 7.1.2 with personal license.

When first connect to the router wifi works OK (with local address,
but after restart and connect to an other device (Dron SJRC F11 which have (802ac 5GHz network)) and then restart again it said:
WiFi network is saved, but I can't connect to my router again. It tries few times, but it cannot connect, and only count connection errors.

I will appreciate all suggestions about this problem.

Best regards,



  • Sorry, I still don't understand. How often do you restart? Are both networks available after the restart?

  • edited June 2019

    yes both are available after restart.
    and little background after few attempts just now.
    So, I connect correctly now to the dron. prikachi.com/gallery_view.php?user=27106&gal=23157 The trick looks like is that it must be very close to the drone and connections stay stable.
    The only issue that I mention is that CPU of RPI is not strong enough to capture full HD pictures and movie.
    Now when reconnect to the router it connects at once.
    I don't know what was the issue before. The only extra package I install from the Google Play is SJRC GPS PRO. No other applications installed.

  • I would recommend not to install OpenGApps at all - they are known to be slow. Find the application APK file and install it directly. Or use F-Droid & Yalp combination.

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