Errors with version 1.1.2

I have a raspberry pi 3 connected to a external radio by audio jack, with the new updated the sound not work!!! I check that the option on settings is set to jack... Furthermore, now WiFi not connected automatically...


  • I have just updated to 1.1.2 and the audio jack is working fine for me.

    The only slightly unusual thing I do is I have a USB audio device too. Emteria defaults to this, so I switch it back to the internal audio jack at boot with an app "Lesser Audio Switch", but I don't see how this makes a difference, just thought I'd mention this change from default.
  • > @simpz said:
    > The only slightly unusual thing I do is I have a USB audio device too. Emteria defaults to this, so I switch it back to the internal audio jack at boot with an app "Lesser Audio Switch", but I don't see how this makes a difference, just thought I'd mention this change from default.

    Just to see if I get you right: you have a USB audio device connected, but you don't want to use it, so you use a third-party application to re-route the audio?
  • Yup, I have a USB audio device that I use for alerts as it's connected to a speaker. But Emteria when you put in a USB audio device, defaults to it and I want to use the built in for the main audio output. "Lesser Audio Switch" simply switches the default sound device back (no re-route). I call a script that send audio to the USB device for these alerts I want (aplay command with the correct flags). So should affect what you see.
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