FM Radio Receiver (Si4703)

edited July 2018 in User projects

Well, I have started a new project for my car and I would like to add GPS navigation and FM radio.
My first choice was to incorporate Navit based on this project: "", but the project seems to have been abandoned and the Navit links no longer work. I have a GPS module ( that I connect via UART, and from what I have read in this forum it is possible to use it for GPS navigation.

Now I need to know if it is possible to use an FM module via i2c and use some program to be able to tune the radio.
I know I can listen to the radio on the internet, but I would like to do it using the FM module. It would be fantastic! I don't know if Emteria can be the solution, but if you can help me I would be very grateful. And sorry for my english, I hope you haven't trouble reading this message.


  • if it is possible to use an FM module via i2c ...

    Using i2c isn't a problem - it should be available out-of-the box. However, you may need to set it up correctly for your application / connected device.

    ... and use some program to be able to tune the radio

    emteria.OS is just an operating system - you can do whatever with it. It doesn't include any FM applications by default, but I am sure you can find one on the internet (or write your own). I am not aware of any reasons why it shouldn't work.

  • Any progress on this?

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