Kiosk mode swipe down
I am setting up kiosk mode for web app. There are a few things I believe the Kiosk Mode is lacking/bugging.
- No way to turn off swipe-down-to-refresh-page.
- If you hide the back button and the home button, when you go to System Settings from Kiosk Settings, there is no way to go close the System Setting unless you reboot the pi. The same issue happens
How do I turn off the swipe-down-to-refresh gesture?
Hi @TylorNgo
1. That's the standard behaviour and we have customers that expect it to work like this. Having an option to disable it, might be possible, but I don't think we offer something like this so far. Can you give a little background what your use-case is and why refreshing might be a problem?
2. I think your message is cut off; what's the second scenario? I think you are right about the first one, but that's what the back button is for. Can you hide the buttons after changing the system settings?
The differences between different emteria versions are minor in that regard, but can you also tell me what device you are using and what exact version number of emteria.OS?
For the first point: I have a webapp that display in kiosk mode, with sliding navigation bar that would slide up and down for numerous buttons. I cannot slide down the list because the browser always force to refresh the whole page. This is perfectly implemented in Fully Kiosk app, where, if it is in kiosk mode, the users can disable swipe-down to refresh, and disable swipe right to go back.
For the second one, my step is like this:
After I reboot the device, it opens the browser in kiosk mode, then, open the application. There is no close button for the application, so I got stuck there again. Hitting the screen 10 times does not open the Kiosk setting page when the screen is on new application.
I am using Pi4B, Android version 11, Emteria version 11.3.0
For the first case: the refresh should only happen when you slide down while you are on the top of the page. If I understand you correctly you can navigate to the middle of the page, but not up again, because it always refreshes, right? Is your webapp publicly available, so we can take a look?
For the second case: But why do you disable the back and home button? Leave them enabled and once you go back to the Kiosk settings you can disable the buttons when you go back to Kiosk Mode. The alternative in System Settings is to go to System -> Advanced -> Emteria -> Kiosk Mode settings; then you are without buttons where you started.
Second case with the application: That's within the realm of the application. Add a close button / home button to the app. Or count the taps and close the app on 10 taps. The Kiosk Launcher will not interfere with your own app.