USB touchscreens not working
Hi, I'm trying to get a chinese USB touchscreen to work. When investigating the issue, I found that USB touchsceens are not enabled in the kernel!
Could you please enable and distribute an update? The module is CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_USB_COMPOSITE, and it includes lots of drivers.
Thank you @henris42,
Can you tell me what device and what emteria version you've come across that?
Device says HD DISCLB 7inch, model CLB7INH. Its an Aliexpress unit.
Emteria is latest version on RPI4.
I had the a problem with a USB touch monitor in both Linux and Emteria with the latest firmware and latest Emteria. I had to update the EEPROM settings for the device in order for it to boot and run.
sudo -E rpi-eeprom-config --edit
@henris42 We've added CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_USB_COMPOSITE in 13.2.0; can you try with that version?