Kiosk mode not locked, settings from volume control
We are trying your android solution to develop a kiosk on Raspberry Pi with version 11.1.0
On testing we noticed that an app in kiosk mode still displays the volume buttons from where you can enter the settings by using see more on volume control.
Is there a way to completely lock any access of the settings?
Have a great day and Happy Holidays!
Hi @gabrielsolomon
Happy New Year!
Can you take a screenshot? I'm not sure what you are referring to.
For new projects I would also recommend the emteria version based on Android 13: v13.2.0; or at least the newer v11.8.0
Happy new Year!
I have attached a picture below. The volume buttons are bellow and clicking see more opens the settings.
We tried the newer version but video player for a 4K clip had troubles on those versions.
Thank you!
@gabrielsolomon I see. How do you get these volume buttons?
By default, the navbar should only show back and home buttons
can you share the 4k video? I would like to take a look why it performs better on this older version
The OS is on a rockPI 4, that is why we have 11.1
There is no update as far as we know
The sound volume buttons appear probably because Android detects there are no hardware buttons on the device.
@gabrielsolomon ah, it's on a RockPi, that makes sense. Got a little confused as you originally mentioned the RPi4.
We've looked into it and that's the default configuration from radxa. I think we can safely remove the sound buttons so that settings are not accessible from kiosk mode. Thanks for pointing that out.
The changes will be in the next nightly: v11.1.18
Thank you so much for your help and quick fix
You Rock!