Raspberry Pi 400

I have a Raspberry Pi 400 and I am trying to install and run a DACBerry 400S sound board. I am relatively new to the Raspberry Pi OS, though I have experience with Unix and C programming and extensive professional audio and electronics experience.

Using the standard 64-bit kernel, v.6.1.21-v8, I have followed the instructions given at:


This terminates with:

Checking environment...
Updating apt indexes...

Using OS v.5.10.103-v7l, the result is:better abd termineates with:

Checking hardware requirements...
\nChecking for dependencies...
\nDownloading examples and documentation...

Enabling DACBERRY400 Driver

Finalising Install...

i2c1 overlay already active

dacberry400 overlay already active
Already GPIO active
Default sound driver currently not loaded

There then follows a "speaker-test" and an instruction to reboot.

But I cannot ever get sound out of the board. Does anyone here know what else I need to configure to achieve this goal?

Thanks for any pointers!




  • hi @davidp
    Are you using Android by emteria for RPi400? If you are using RPOS you should ask in their official forum as chances are way higher to get help there as such configurations work somewhat different depending on the OS.

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