Emteria installer not working on Windows 11

If I try to run the Emteria installer on Windows 11 a command prompt Window opens, citing some OpenSSL-stuff. The installer application never opens though, the command prompt just closes instead.

I'm using installer version v1.1-43


  • Hi @SanderK
    I'll try to get my hands on a windows 11 machine, but I guess it might take some time.
    If you are trying to get v13 on RPi4 you can use the official RPi Installer: https://emteria.com/lp/raspberry-pi-imager-android
    It's admittedly compatible with more operating system than our installer. Let me know if you are trying to flash a different image and I'll find a way.

  • Thanks, I was able to flash the image using the official RPi Installer.

  • edited September 2023

    @smieschek said:
    Hi @SanderK
    I'll try to get my hands on a windows 11 machine, but I guess it might take some time.
    If you are trying to get v13 on RPi4 you can use the official RPi Installer: https://emteria.com/lp/raspberry-pi-imager-android
    It's admittedly compatible with more operating system than our installer. Let me know if you are trying to flash a different image and I'll find a way.

    Where do I get the image?

  • @bugezzy follow the RPi installer to Freemium section and select Android by emteria

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