New user - Pi 5 - No suitable licenses found

I am trying to use Emteria's Android 14 on a Pi5, when I get to the activation screen and try to activate with my account I get "No suitable licenses found", when I try to activate with the activation code received by email I get "Error contacting server. Request was invalid"


  • Hi @Tori
    We broke something in the latest nightlies. Can you try the version from the RPi Imager? We need a few more days for the fix.

  • Hello @smieschek
    I have the same error. Has this issue been sorted, please ?
    Moreover, I can use Emteria.OS without activation, but some features are missing, like a password for VNC connection
    Is it linked with the default of activation ?
    Thank you in advance for your help,

  • Actually, I am guilty, I just did not pay attention to the voucher code that was sent by email
    I could activate
    However I cannot add a password protection for vnc
    Thank you in advance for your help

  • @ThomasM You need to disable VNC and reverse VNC in order to set a password

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