Waveshare VOC Sensor Issues
i am using a SGP40 VOC Sensor and i'm having loads of issues and finding it hard to find information. currently its stuck on only outputting 0 and i dont know how to properly incorporate the Sensirion VOC class index. ignore the fanpin as that is part of the air purifier that i am designing. the VOC sensor is correctly connected i have triple checked this . i am using ardunio for this
#include <Debug.h> #include <DEV_Config.h> #include <sensirion_arch_config.h> #include <sensirion_voc_algorithm.h> #include <SGP40.h> #include "DEV_Config.h" // libary for VOC sensor #include "SGP40.h" // libary for VOC sensor UBYTE voc = 0; void setup() { if (SGP40_Init() != 0) { Serial.print("init err!!!"); // if theres an error in the VOC sensor return this } Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication } void loop() { voc = SGP40_MeasureVOC(25, 50); // VOC sensor MeasureR aw(25, 50); Serial.print("voc = "); // prints voc = to serial Serial.println(voc); // prints raw voc level }