screen and connection are not stabel rpi5
on my rpi5 i have both releases emteria tried. the same issue happend. whwn i type something the screen went black and a noice from the speakers and the connection internet fails for a short moment. i tried an other screen same thing. i instaled emteria on different ways, same problem. what i am doing wrong?
@Wim2210, could you please provide us some details about how we can reproduce it? Which screen are you using? Which resolution? What are you typing in which application?
Hello @kalkov, I just found this thread as I'm having the same issue as @Wim2210 using a ViewSonic TD2223 ( with the Raspberry Pi 5. Any time the Gboard needs to show up to type, it blacks out the screen for a few seconds then comes back with no keyboard. Also most of the sounds just come out as static or glitchy noise. I just swapped over to a normal Raspberry Pi OS build and it works flawlessly. Hopefully this can be integrated into Emteria!
Looking more into this, the touch digitizer shows as the iSolution T214WI02 in Linux
@gtc which emteria version exactly? and can you take some logs:
I sent a bugreport command but don't exactly know where that goes lol... I did capture the problem happening:
The Emteria MDM shows this:
Emteria version15.1.0
Android version14
Android timestamp1726146554
The device itself is showing Android VanillaIceCream (15)
Attached is the logcat output from when I'm triggering the problem
I just set up another SD card with an emteria.OS v14.10 running A14. Same buzzing through the audio channel when playing sounds, BUT the virtual keyboard works flawlessly with no screen blanking. I kept the v15.1.0 card intact so I can swap over for testing.
@gtc can you try to set the audio in Raspberry Pi Settings, should be accessible through drawer. On the one hand select the correct hdmi, and you can try to switch from 16 to 32 bit. Most likely you need to reboot
Oh crap I forgot to update, crazy week so far... I actually switched audio output from "3.5mm jack and Digital Audio" to HDMI0 and that fixed it on Android 14. Have not swapped back to Android 15 to try there yet, but I'm guessing it's a separate issue to the screen blanking.
@gtc nice to hear that the buzzing solution worked. Let me summarize so that I get it right. The display blacking only happens on Android 15 or also on Android 14 version?
It's only happening on Android 15
I flashed OS 15 to a raspberry Pi 5 8GB and as soon as a text box appears, I also have a black screen for a few seconds after clicking on a key on the virtual keyboard. Sometimes it is working without a black screen for a few minutes and then it is happening again for each key press. Even with a connected keyboard.
I have what I believe is the same issue. Refresh rate keeps jumping between 24Hz and 30Hz. This is on a Pi 5 and OS 15
I set my refresh rate to 60 Hz and 1080p, but maybe the rate is also jumping in my setup.