Error contacting server

edited January 3 in OS features

Wanted to try the os, but I cannot activate it with the emteria account. In every network regardless of firewall or not i get "Error contacting server. Request was invalid." Sniffing showed TLS connection is not a problem, seems to be server-sided.

emteria is 14.2.0 on a RPi4, connection attrempts were tried via Ethernet and Wifi (directly from Hotspot mobile phone)

Thanks for the help


  • Solution:
    Android is really the worst when it comes to anything that is not DRM: IT HAD 'MURRICAN KEYBOARD LAYOUT! OF COURSE! Yes, I know Google knows better than accepting what the user wants to do or configure, but that even beats windows in malevolency.

    I cannot fathom the nightmares emteria had when porting that ****hole of an operating system to the RPi. So kudos to you and thanks for the trial possibility.

    It might have helped to let the error message be "wrong username or password" instead of "Error contacting server".

  • Thanks for reporting, I'll forward your input about the error message, I think you are right :)

  • @hs1 said:
    Android is really the worst when it comes to anything that is not DRM: IT HAD 'MURRICAN KEYBOARD LAYOUT! OF COURSE! Yes, I know Google knows better than accepting what the user wants to do or configure, but that even beats windows in malevolency.

    I cannot fathom the nightmares emteria had when porting that ****hole of an operating system to the RPi. So kudos to you and thanks for the trial possibility.

    It might have helped to let the error message be "wrong username or password" instead of "Error contacting server".

    I dont understand what your solution was here. I am having the same issue, I can see the letters of the password going in and they are correct. the email address is also correct. What did the keyboard layout have to do with it?


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