Android on CM5/ CM5 IO Board with Raspberry Touchdisplay 2
Hello Together,
I've CM5 with the CM5 IO board and a Raspberry Touchdisplay 2. So HW is up and running under Raspberry PI OS booting from the eMMC.
I know it is not officially supported on the CM5, but I tried the emteria Android OS Image for Raspi 5. I was able to flash the is with the Raspberry Pi5 Imager.
However it is not booting. Or at least it shows a black screen after showing the uboot boot screen on HDMI0 and always a black screen on the touch display
I guess I need a different device tree file and need to add dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-ili9881-7inch to the config.txt config-overrides.txt.
Has anyone successfully booted android on the cm5 with the cm5 IO board and can point me into the right direction?
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks