v0.4.5 hangs at emteria screen
I installed the new version 0.4.5 this evening. After booting the first time, I think it restarted once, but after that it stops forever at black screen with emteria text logo. Is there any way to make it work, or should I downgrade to 0.4.4?
Thank you.
Is there a way to download the previous version 0.4.4? I can not select the version number in the installer.
Thank you.
Hi Gabriel,
There were no significant changes between 0.4.4 and 0.4.5 which may cause such behavior. This surprises me a little bit, as 0.4.5 is running just fine on all of my Pi's. We will take a look at this in the next days. Please let us know if there is any information we need to know for reproducing this error.
Are you running the installer on Windows? Old images are saved in C:\Users[Username]\ AppData\ Local\ Emteria\Installer
I am running the installer as root on an updated OpenSuse Tumbleweed. I am using a Raspberry Pi 3 with official 7 inch display. I flashed the image to the SD card twice, just to be sure, but it still hangs at the Emteria_ logo. The cursor (at the end of the logo) is flashing for a couple of minutes than it stops.
I know where the images are saved. The problem is I am using my home laptop, and the older version 0.4.4 is stored on my work laptop, that is in my office, and I have no access to it right now
. If you could provide a way to download older versions using this installer it would be great.
A couple of hours ago I was running v0.4.4 just fine. After I flashed the v0.4.5, it behaved as stated above. The only thing that I did differently was that I used a different laptop to flash the card, but my work laptop is the same OS, just different machine.
Besides this, at home, I am powering the Pi with a longer 3m USB cable. I think there is a voltage drop, because I notice sometimes the screen backlight is varying in intensity, but it was running fine with the same cable on version v0.4.4.
Could you check for logs on /userdata/cache/logs? Otherwise, you're going to need a USB serial cable to connect to the Pi.
I saw something interesting in logcat.log:
11-27 17:02:51.363 469 480 I ActivityManager: Killing 1281:android.process.media/u0a7 (adj 902): empty #2
11-27 17:02:51.403 469 607 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 1281
11-27 17:03:00.062 160 160 E GRALLOC-KMS: failed to set crtc (Invalid argument) (crtc_id 25, fb_id 31, conn 27, mode 800x480)
11-27 17:03:00.062 160 160 E FramebufferSurface: error posting framebuffer: -22
11-27 17:03:33.862 469 469 I ActivityManager: Killing 1465:com.android.email/u0a33 (adj 902): empty #2
11-27 17:03:33.925 469 480 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 1465
11-27 17:04:00.061 160 160 E GRALLOC-KMS: failed to set crtc (Invalid argument) (crtc_id 25, fb_id 33, conn 27, mode 800x480)
11-27 17:04:00.061 160 160 E FramebufferSurface: error posting framebuffer: -22
11-27 17:05:00.061 160 160 E GRALLOC-KMS: failed to set crtc (Invalid argument) (crtc_id 25, fb_id 31, conn 27, mode 800x480)
11-27 17:05:00.061 160 160 E FramebufferSurface: error posting framebuffer: -22
11-27 17:06:00.061 160 160 E GRALLOC-KMS: failed to set crtc (Invalid argument) (crtc_id 25, fb_id 33, conn 27, mode 800x480)
11-27 17:06:00.061 160 160 E FramebufferSurface: error posting framebuffer: -22
11-27 17:11:00.112 160 160 E GRALLOC-KMS: failed to set crtc (Invalid argument) (crtc_id 25, fb_id 31, conn 27, mode 800x480)
11-27 17:11:00.112 160 160 E FramebufferSurface: error posting framebuffer: -22
11-27 17:11:59.134 208 208 W perfprofd: unable to open config directory /data/data/com.google.android.gms/files: (No such file or directory)
11-27 17:11:59.134 208 208 I perfprofd: profile collection skipped (missing config directory)
11-27 17:12:00.112 160 160 E GRALLOC-KMS: failed to set crtc (Invalid argument) (crtc_id 25, fb_id 33, conn 27, mode 800x480)
11-27 17:12:00.112 160 160 E FramebufferSurface: error posting framebuffer: -22
Hi Gabriel, thanks for posting your logs. We have received similar data earlier today. Please check this this thread for more details: https://forum.emteria.com/discussion/78/official-7-touchscreen#latest
First time user to Emteria. Downloaded 0.45, installed to SD card. On booting hangs on EMTERIA logo. Tried on Pi3 output via HDMI and Pi3 with touchscreen. Same issue. Hang at logo. Anyway to download a previous version ?
Same exact problem as @amouses , 0.4.5 hangs at the E M T E R I A text on RPi 3 with official 7" touchscreen.
0.4.4 was fine. Is there a way to install 0.4.4 from Mac?
Please try the latest 0.4.6. We have reverted the changes from 0.4.5, so it should work again. However, we had to sacrifice some graphics optimizations as they are not compatible to the current driver for the official touchscreen. We are checking what we can do about it.
I tried to install 0.4.6 several times but I get the same error again and again:
Starting step 1 Verifying files
"boot.zip" failed MD5 verification
Expected "b62a1c34c622808a1967dbbb55a9138e" computed "invalid path"
Please read the other posts. Many people have the same problem regardless of OS.
Same error as @Gabriel
I'll check it now.
Is fixed now. See https://forum.emteria.com/discussion/144/v0-4-6-failed-md5-verification#latest
It's working again over here.
Can anyone help? I used a windows installer but am stuck on boot logo.
@cayceejoel, which version are you using?