black screen

Hi there, I'm new here, flashed Emteria to a sd card and put it in my raspberry pi3b first I see some tekst in high speed flying by and than a black screen and nothing happens .. what can i do to fix this ?



  • This is the only screen I see after I switch the pi3b on for about one second, than it turns into black

  • Also I tried flashing and formatting the sd card with different computers, mac and windows. I did not try another card yet because I only have one for the time being.

  • Do you have a different screen to test with? Is it a bootloop or just black and nothing happens?
  • I do have a another screen to test with, but that only has a Composite video input.
    I see the tekst as on the picture, after the tekst it's just a black screen and nothing happens...

  • So, I tested again with another (stable) Emteria os version, another screen (composite video) and another (new) sd card. the result was exactly the same screen with tekst as posted above :/ anyone have some ideas about what can be wrong ?

  • Cool, you actually get a post screen on composite video. Maybe the resolution is to low? I don't know if that's possible? My assumption is tha tcomposite video is very very low res.
  • edited December 2018

    You didn't have to flash, format, buy a new SD card or try with another computer or screen. (has composite video input only)
    It just doesn't work via composite video.

    You must have an HDMI screen.

  • Composite will NEVER EVER work correctly on a PI.... why in holy of all are even doing this ?

  • edited December 2018

    Thanks for the replies. I tried with a composite screen because I have the text and then black screen problem.. so I was never planning to use the composite signal, I just get a bit frustrated that emteria doesn't boot at all :( (plex and kodi work fine with the hdmi screen by the way)

  • I'll try to make more clear pictures from the text, maybe that can tell why it's not booting ...

  • Are you using any PI hats ?

  • no, hats, just the pi3b

  • Strange I haven't had any of those issues.

    The only thing I can guess at is the monitor/TV doesn't support the HDMI mode.

  • I restart this topic, I have a raspberry 3b +
    I installed EMTERIA 0.6.1 from a iiyama monitor (HDMI) I get to the start screen.
    I plug the RPI on the Philips TV (HDMI) more image after loading a few lines of code.

    If I activate the VNC server, I see that the system is well launched, but no image on the Philips side.
    Do you have an idea ?

  • I think the os can change the resolution if you switch the screen and I read somewhere that it won't play well with high resolutions. Is it possible the iiyama is 720p and the Philips tv is full HD?
  • I just ran into this issue myself......

    I had to redo my sdcard and was trying to boot from my original touch screen monitor and the screen would flash on/off. When I used a regular monitor, NOT a TV one, the screen worked.

    So my assumption is if you are setting up Emteria the first time use a computer monitor first. After that you can use the monitor of choice as the right modules are loaded and the normal kernel; boots up.

  • @BasicItStuff said:
    I think the os can change the resolution if you switch the screen and I read somewhere that it won't play well with high resolutions. Is it possible the iiyama is 720p and the Philips tv is full HD?

    iiyama = 1080p
    Philips = 4k

    @sgrayban said:
    I just ran into this issue myself......

    I had to redo my sdcard and was trying to boot from my original touch screen monitor and the screen would flash on/off. When I used a regular monitor, NOT a TV one, the screen worked.

    So my assumption is if you are setting up Emteria the first time use a computer monitor first. After that you can use the monitor of choice as the right modules are loaded and the normal kernel; boots up.

    I just tried both methods without success unfortunately.
    I am under freeelec which works perfectly the reverse.

    My goal is to make an Android TV without google. The Emteria project seemed perfect, but unfortunately impossible to make it work.

  • If it is a resolution problem you can maybe use the config.txt to set a fixed resolution? You probably know but raspberry pi won't do 4k so if the os detects 4k and tryes to actually do 4k a black screen is very probable.
  • You can also check Settings -> Raspberry Pi Settings for own-defined resolutions.
  • I configured in the options ==> Raspberry hardware my resolution.
    HERE 1920x1024 (abused the text field :()
    On my iiyama screen I now have a black screen too.
    I want to pay for products, but I want them to be functional minimum. This is clearly not the case here unfortunately.

  • edited January 2019

    I can tell you from my experience that the higher the resolution is the less stable Emteria is.

    Emteria isn't a REAL android OS. It is a ROM port. So don't expect the same results as a tablet gives.

  • edited January 2019

    What is a "REAL" Android? We use the official AOSP and we pass 99,9% of the CTS (except for the hardware accelerated video processing). Why isn't it a REAL Android?

    The REAL problem here is that people think they can buy hardware for 40$ and use it as an equivalent replacement for a 400$ phone or tablet. Go for an ODROID XU4 or TinkerBoard and you will get FullHD and way better performance. But for higher price.

  • @kalkov said:
    The REAL problem here is that people think they can buy hardware for 40$ and use it as an equivalent replacement for a 400$ phone or tablet. Go for an ODROID XU4 or TinkerBoard and you will get FullHD and way more performance. But it has its price.

    I worded it wrong.... you last paragraph is what I was trying to convey.

  • My case use for Emteria is simple.

    I needed a bigger android touch screen display for Home Automation then what is currently available. So this solution worked perfectly. for me. No I'm not watching TV on it or playing youtube videos or gaming.

    A Rpi is NOT made for that.

  • edited September 2019

    Having exactly the same problem - options ==> Raspberry, typed the resolution of 1920x1024. Now having a black screen after boot of GUI starts. How to revert everything to the resolution that worked???
    I have recovered config.txt and build.conf from a working installation - did not help.

  • Hey,
    I know it's been a while since you posted, but I just ran into the same issue with Emteria on my Pi3b. Did you ever manage to fix it? I’m stuck at that same blank screen after the initial text.

  • @mercyjoyce, which screen are you using?

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