Black Screen after install with orgnial 7" Touch
After I made the software on the SD card (Windows installer) and inserted it into the Pi3 with 7 "original touch, the following happened:
Pi starts
Ethernet not found (although connected)
until and with Logo starts the software
After the logo black screen
Confic I have not adapted and left everything original. Touch is connected to the PI3 via adapter card with ribbon cable.
Which emteria.OS version are you using?
the actual 0.4.3
Are you sure the display isn't showing anything? Just like your phone, the display reduces the brightness to save the power. Try touching it.
When i hold the screen in the Light, i can see something on it.
The Backgroundlight turn not on by touching.
Can i change the value of brightness?
Are the GPIO pins connected correctly? I have just tested 0.4.3 on my device with the official 7" touchscreen and it seems to work fine.
I think it must be right. With Raspberry OS it work with no Problem.

If you hold the screen in the light, can you recognize the emteria logo in the middle of the screen? There is a button on the bottom right (above the next). Try touching it. If touch is working, but the backlight is not, we will take a closer look at it. If the touch isn't working at all, you have to check your connection cables or try a new installation. We cannot reproduce the issue.
Ok, I just saw your picture. We have 2 more pins connected. Please refer to this tutorial:
I can see de emteria Logo by starting. I can see it normal an de backlight run. After your logo is the backlight off.
When I light the flashlight on the display I can see outlines.
Even if I stroke my finger from top to bottom, I see in the outlines the menu appear.
Sorry, you were too fast
I've just posted above that we have two more pins connected.
I've wired SDL and SDC, but nothing changes. But I will also reload the SD and hope that this brings something.

After reinstall the SD card, i have the same Problem. The displaylight ist after logo off.
Picture after rebuid connection
Could you check which version of the RPi display you have? It should be printed on the display PCB.
There is a known issue with brightness control on v1.0 displays:
Yes it is the Version 1.0 from year 2014
I had get a newer Display with Version 1.1 and it run. You know when the update will come?
We have an idea how to solve it. A new release will be uploaded probably tomorrow, since we would like to include several other fixes.
ok, thx. I will try the 0.4.4 after relase :-)
Hi @Wideoman. We have just uploaded the new version which also works with display version 1.0.
Perfectly, it run now