Support for Temperature Sensor

edited September 2022 in Supported peripherals


I'm trying to use the Sensor DS1820 for temperature mesure. I need to run a command using modprobe but it shows the message "No modules given", and the folders in path "/sys/bus/w1/devices/" are not there / created.

I found another thread about this, and it's still unresolved:

Any news on that? It is possible to use this sensor with the emteria.OS?



  • @Anderson what device are you using?
    I think the post you referred to mentioned the most important parts. All modules are located in /boot/modules and the used kernel is available at

  • edited September 2022

    @smieschek i'm using raspberry PI 4.

    I tried to find folder "modules" in path "/boot", and folder don't exist. Regarding the post mentioned, only the part of editing the "config.txt" file is possible.

    I apologize for being repetitive, but is it possible to use the Sensor? Because the Modprobe command, responsible for creating the folders, does not work.


  • @Anderson
    On RPi4 modules are located in /odm/lib/modules.
    I'm sure it's possible to use the sensor. But it's not peripheral that we officially support, so there is no knowledge base article how to get it going. The manufacturer should provide information, at least for linux and you can go from there.

    The original thread you referred to doesn't mention any modprobe command. See modprobe -h for usage.

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