Remove Mouse Pointer/Cursor to use Touch Only
I am new to using both Raspberry Pi and Emteria. So far, I really like Emteria and was able to get my touchscreen to function by adjusting the config.txt file. Now that the touchscreen functions, the pointer is still on the screen and I have to move the cursor to the area I want to select/click instead of just clicking one time to select what I want. Does anyone know how to disable to cursor to use touch input only?
I am using a 5" Resistive 800x480 HDMI TFT screen.
Link here:
I have added the following to config.txt:
hdmi_cvt 800 480 60 6 0 0 0
When in the recovery screen, the touch function works perfectly and the mouse pointer does not appear. When the system boots, the mouse pointer won't go away and I have to drag the cursor where I want it to go before I can click.
Any help is appreciated!
I am not aware of a standard way for achieving that. It sounds to me like your touchscreen is enumerated by the Linux kernel as a HID mouse, not as a touchscreen. You need to find out how your device is enumerated (vendor/device id) and find the correct Linux driver for that screen.
so if there is a mousepointer, the screen isn't recognised correctly and the right driver is missing?
So, how do i add the correct driver?
My touchscreen monitor is an ELO 1515l I own the drivers for linux "ARM" 32bits with the kernel of 4.x.x.x in case supported by the system Emteria, I would like to know how to proceed for the installation of the same?
@digoSupera, you can compile your drivers as a module for the RPi 4.9 kernel and load the module in emteria.OS. We can assist you with that if it is a commercial project.
@Kalkov, I am working on a prototype to get Emteria license in the future, if it is efficient for the project, but for now, I need the touch screen of this functional monitor model (ELO 1515L) so I can show the project to the company's representatives.
@Kalkov In the recovery mode the touchscreen is efficient and functional, but the Android system does not perform its touchscreen features, it is a question of whether the problem is in the same kernel or in the system itself.
Interesting, we have a similar discussion here:
Could you please check the kernel & system logs. We need to find out which drivers are used for your touchscreens.
Hello, same problem for me. The touch mode works only in recovery mode. In normal mode the touch screen works like a mouse (I have to move the arrow of the cursor with my finger on the screen like I was moving a physical mouse).
Also I added dtoverlay=ads7846,cs=1,penirq=25,penirq_pull=2,speed=50000,keep_vref_on=0,swapxy=0,pmax=255,xohms=150,xmin=200,xmax=3900,ymin=200,ymax=3900 on config.txt
Screen: Waveshare 4 inch HDMI LCD Touch Control Screen Resistive 800*480 Resolution IPS interface For Raspberry Pi3B+/3/2 B/B+/A
Raspberry: Raspberry, Pi 3 B+
Emteria 0.6.3