"No Signal" on Sony Bravia TV issue and how to fix it.
No matter what I did when I purchased Emteria, I could not get it to display on any of my TVs. And it literally took me months of trial and error, but I finally figured it out. This is for anyone else who is getting the same issue and can't get it to display on their tv screen, when it just says "no signal".
- Insert your micro SD card into the computer's sd card reader.
Go to my computer, then to the drive where Emteria is installed and right-click on the config.txt and edit it with Wordpad.
Change the line "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d,cma-256" to "dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d,cma-256"
Then save, and exit.
5 (Optional). If this doesn't work, also try also adding these lines in the config
hdmi_cvt=1920 1080 60 6 0 0 0
This will make it display in 1080p. And it should now load up and display on your TV screen.
Any video display over 19" and 1080 will not work. The PI isn't fast enough for it.
Well it does work because I use it. It works on my Sony Bravia TV (with some slight tweaking to the config file), so I disagree.
I wouldn't have posted this solution if it didn't work. I also posted this on Youtube and it's worked for others too, just check the comments.
It actually doesn't look too bad on a large screen.
Not bad. How hot does the Rpi get ?
It runs at about 50-53 degrees Celsius. But I have only the stock fan in it.
Just realised the error message was "unsupported signal" not "no signal". Can't edit my original post now. My bad.
oooo that's hot. I would put a fan on it. Like one of those small clamp on desk fans if possible. The cooler it runs the faster it will be.
The cpu speed is throttled very low at temps that high.
Is that too hot? Oh damn, I didn't know. It seems to work fine enough. You are right I could use a small fan or lower the resolution to 1280 instead of 1920. But at the moment it seems to be OK the temp doesn't get hotter than that.
It should be in the FAQ that anyone who gets an "unsupported signal" for their display output should change the line in the config from
Or if anyone else has this issue to direct them here.
50 C is 122 F and 53 C is 127 F
For what you are using it for I really suggest a fan placed on it. Not just the standard RPi case fan. It will run much better and faster. 27-35 C is the range you would like to be in.
I am not 100% sure but that might be mid range for a 3B. No idea.
I'm just suggesting for your application... but hey if you wanna watch the PI burn a slow death have at it.
No I definitely don't want that. You are right, I might have to get one of those small desk fans. Or even lowering the resolution would maybe keep it cooler.
The key is --- the cooler the GPU/CPU/RAM is the faster the CPU runs and won't be throttled to reduce heat.
I have 2 small desktop fans hitting mine and they run around 82F - 86F and that gives me the full CPU speed.
I'm actually a little surprised right now because I ordered a USB fan from eBay months ago and it didn't arrive so I got a refund for it. Straight after you posted that comment I got a parcel in the mail and it was the USB fan I purchased four months ago. Must be a sign. Lol