Emteria MDM

edited April 2021 in Web portal

I am unable to use the MDM function of the premium subscription as the device never shows up as online. It appears to intermittently contact the server, as the "Last online" time does update from time to time. However, none of the software version information or system information appears under the System, Hardware, Networks, or USB tabs. None of the installed applications on the device show up under the Apps tab.

I am not sure if this could be a firewall issue, but I have checked all of the firewall logs and it does not appear anything is blocked.

Wondering if someone else uses the MDM and has had a similar experience.


  • As a follow-up, I have the latest stable version of Emteria (v1.3.0) installed on a Raspberry Pi 3B+

  • Hi @timothyle, I've checked our logs and cannot find see any connection attempts from your device. Is the MDM service active? Does it say the device is connected in Emteria settings?

  • We will add a bugfix tomorrow morning, which might fix this issue. It would still be great to know the device connection state from Emteria settings on the device itself.

  • Hi @kalkov,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Under settings, it shows for the MDM "Current state": offline
    There is a notification in the notification area showing "Device connection failed, please contact support".

    Do you know which outbound ports the MDM uses? I have checked the network firewall logs but have not been able to identify anything helpful.

  • edited April 2022

    @timothyle, I cannot imagine it is caused by your firewall. Could you please reboot your device, check if this error message is still there and submit a bugreport if yes? See https://emteria.com/kb/bug-reporting for details

  • Hi @kalkov,

    Sorry I did not get your response until now. I rebooted and it appears that there is the same problem.

    I have submitted a bug report but am not sure if it went through completely.

  • @timothyle I can't find a related bugreport. Can you please try again? After the bugreport is send a local notification should be displayed.

  • edited April 2021

    @smieschek Thank you for checking. I just checked the pi again today and it said that the bugreport submission failed. I have tried it again just to be sure and will let you know if that fails as well.

    Update: The second bugreport failed as well. Is there something I can check to see why this fails as well?

  • edited April 2022

    @timothyle That's very weird! Thanks for your patience and reporting. Can you please create a local log with adb while you enable/disable the MDM service once or twice. We have a tutorial how to create adb logs here: https://emteria.com/kb/bug-reporting#ADB

  • edited July 18

    I've tried several MDM solutions in the past, but none have compared to Apptec360. The software is intuitive, the features are robust, and the overall performance is outstanding. If you're in the market for an MDM solution, look no further than Apptec360.

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