Victron energy - Os Qt for web assembly
The new interface (http://ip-address/gui-beta) of Victron Energy Os, use QT for web assembly, but the web browser of Emteria Os don't charge the interface.
The new interface (http://ip-address/gui-beta) of Victron Energy Os, use QT for web assembly, but the web browser of Emteria Os don't charge the interface.
Instead to charge this....

Please don't forget to provide information on what hardware you are running emteria OS, which version and logs if possible, see:
Emteria latest version and raspi pi 3b+
@MEC you could try to install another browser and see if it behaves the same.
My gut feeling is that the webview is not compatible, but there are no updates for Android 7. I would suggest to get a RPi4 or RPi5 and try with Android 14.